1-15oz Bag Waffle Pretzels (square)
2-12 oz Bags of Rolos (1 bag has about 55 rolos in it) (if you only want to do 1 cookie sheet full you can buy 1 bag and 1 to2 individual Rolls of Rolos)
(1 cookie sheet makes approximatly 126 squares- about 63 rolos)
Preheat oven to 275'. Cover cookie sheet with a sheet of parchment paper, then lay out pretzels side by side until bottom of cookie sheet is covered.
Unwrap rolos and cut in half.
Place 1 cut rolo on each pretzel cut side face down.
When each pretzel has a rolo and oven is preheated back in oven for ONLY 3 minutes just long enough to melt the chocolate.
Take out and immediatley press one pecan on top of each melted rolo. If you run out of Peans or prefer some without nuts, use another pretzel on top instead of the pecan.
My hubby took a box of these into work and the guys devored them quickly!
They are a big hit!!
Originally got this recipe from my sister Heather